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Courtesy of  ISO Fit Studio

Scoliosis is a common medical condition where a person’s spine is curved like an “S” or “C” shape. A healthy spine should be a straight line but due to inheritance or bad posture, this condition is commonly found curved.

Scolosis is usually found in youths, predominately females. According to the HK Department of Health, a survey conducted in 2006/07, there are 16.7% students are suffering from Scoliosis, compared to a survey in 1999/00, there is a 7% increase.

There are generally three causes of Scoliosis, which are Congenital (inborn), Neuromuscular and Idiopathic. Congenital scoliosis happens due to the formation of the spine bones during development in the womb. Neuromuscular scoliosis is caused by problems such as poor muscle control, muscle weakness or paralysis. Idiopathic scoliosis is an unknown cause yet the most common type in youths.

Although Idiopathic scoliosis seems to be the least disruptive to our daily lives, the effects of this condition could start from a simple back pain which could easily escalate to diminishing lung function due to the distortion and stiffness of the rib cage. Other complications of scoliosis include low back arthritis and pain as an adult; respiratory problems; self-image – the asymmetry of the trunk will look awkward.

To prevent scoliosis from worsening or to improve the condition, there are a few different options. Posture training such as Pilates acts as an important role in prevention and treatment of scoliosis. Pilates helps slow down curving of the spine by strengthening their core muscles. When these muscles are strong, they help lengthen the spine and improve posture. This will help individuals understand how the body works, increasing awareness of the weaker parts of the body.

Physiotherapy exercises can also help with the prevention of scoliosis. A well-trainedphysiotherapist will be able to assess and classify curve patterns. Performing correct breathing and strengthening exercises will help with the individual’s alignment.

Simple exercises can be done at Iso Fit, at home or even at the office to help to strengthen the correct muscle and improve alignment.







A brief instructional video talking about the benefits of foam rollers. A great way to stretch and increase your flexibility.


Take a look at this video which gives a good insight into what might be causing your pain and how to fix it with a foam roller.. 



Courtesy of an article from the foam roller guide.....

Using foam roller for IT band is one of the most common used for the tool. This is because the Iliotibial band or the muscle found at our outside thigh is one of the most used and usually injured tissues in the body. In fact, over use of the muscle causes the Iliotibial band syndrome, an inflammation of the area that often shows up in athletes. Since the condition can be very painful, it usually prevents them from performing at top form, making it essential to take care of the problem quickly.

Foam Roller for IT Band

Using a foam roller for IT Band problems is one of the most effective techniques to solve this problem. A foam roller which is popular for its Myofasial Release properties manages to release the tension trapped in the IT Band, allowing the pain to be gone faster.

Of course, there are also other methods used for this problem, but so far, a foam roller for IT band pains is the most common one used. In fact, it has been the choice of most athletes, finding it not only effective but very versatile since they can use it for other body parts.

Following are IT Band exercises using the foam roller.

IT Band Roll

Place the foam roller on the ground and begin with lying on your side. The foam roll should be resting on your IT band area, just below the hip. Prop your elbows in order to maintain the position. You could also cross one leg on top of the other to increase the pressure or you could just let it be there for balance. To achieve maximum pressure, heavily rest on leg on top of the other. Now, start rolling slowly but heavily downwards until you are near your knees. After that, slowly climb back, stopping in specifically painful points for longer periods of time. You can do this for two to three minutes, depending on how you asses yourself.

Glute Roll

Of course, the IT Band area is also connected to other tissues, making it necessary to exercise this too as much as possible. For the glute roll, the foam must be situated directly under your butt. You don’t have to use your hands to lift your upper body here, just lie on your back at a relaxed position. Now, start rolling the foam towards the injured area before rolling back. Like in the IT Band roll, try to increase pressure on painful areas and linger there for some time to squeeze out the tension. Do this for two to three minutes.

At first, the exercise can be painful since you are just starting out on the Myofascial release but after some time, the pain will soon fade away, allowing the muscle to relax. Keep in mind to maintain proper balance so that you don’t injure the body part rather than cure it. Aside from the IT band, the foam roller may also be used in different body parts, wherever pain or tension is felt.



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