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A brief instructional video talking about the benefits of foam rollers. A great way to stretch and increase your flexibility.


Pilates Ring Workout

November 22, 2013


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Are you using your Pilates Ring correctly??


Take a look at this video which gives a good insight into what might be causing your pain and how to fix it with a foam roller.. 



The Lateral Raise is a great exercise that can typically done by beginner exercisers with little difficulty. Though this exercise is not difficult to perform, when done correctly, it can be quite effective in helping to increase muscular strength and tone of the shoulders. From carrying shopping bags, to playing tennis or golf, this exercise has great applications in everyday life. 


Another great attribute of the exercise is that it can easily be done with a resistance band or tube, at home, at the office, or on the road - so lets get started!


  1. Loop the band securely under both feet and hold the ends of the band with both hands. 
  2. Begin with your arms at your sides and palms facing towards each other. 
  3. Keep your elbows straight and lift your arms to just above shoulder level, making sure to keep the shoulder and shoulder blade secure. 
  4. Slowly lower.
  5. Admire toned shoulders!
  1. 把阻力帶安全地放在雙腳低下,雙手緊握阻力帶的末端。
  2. 開始動作為雙手手臂放在兩旁,雙手手掌心相對。
  3. 垂直手肘,並橫向伸展雙手至肩膀水平,確保您的肩膀和肩胛骨是固定的。
  4. 然後慢慢垂下雙手。
  5. 為您強健的肩膀鼓掌!
Let us know what you think - you can purchase your resistance band here. 


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