Habits and Odd exercises for Physical Vigor!

May 18, 2015

We are living in a time where exercise is and movement are becoming less and less "necessary" to our daily lives. Unfortunately this is resulting in an unprecedented amount of injuries and movement issues. As our lifestyles get busier and more and more hectic, it is becoming on so easy to convince ourselves that we do not have enough time for exercise.....but we can and should make time for ourselves, everyday. It's time to change your habits! This is nothing that has not been said before - check out these two excellent articles on the subject:

  • Habits - http://diastasisrectified.com/2015/03/09/changing-habits-for-diastasis-recti-healing/
  • Odd Exercises in only 15 minutes in the morning! - http://www.artofmanliness.com/2014/05/15/odd-exercises-for-physical-vigor-an-oldtime-strongmans-15-minute-morning-routine/

Happy reading!

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